A New Blog and a New RPG

This blog I hope will be where I create a new science fiction role playing game, Rogue Planet. 

The premise is relatively simple. In the far future colonists from Earth have found themselves stranded on a planet that is not part of any stellar system and does not orbit around a star. The surface is inhospitable, dark and very cold, but due to unusual geothermal activity, the cave systems beneath the surface make subterranean life possible. The setting is not expected to be exactly scientifically accurate - there will be artistic license around physics, biology and other matters as is often found in works of science fiction. As well as fellow human colonists there are other life forms, both natives and alien colonists who have also found themselves on this rogue planet. 

The game system will be loosely based on the world's most famous RPG system, and for generating random numbers it will use 20-sided and 6-sided dice. It is not intended to be particularly complicated or realistic - it will be more focused on being quick and easy to play. I will assume some familiarity with other tabletop roleplaying games. As with other RPGs, the game requires between 3 and 8 people, one of whom is the Game Master (GM) and the others are players who control fictional characters in the Rogue Planet setting, the player characters or PCs.  The GM controls other aspects of the setting including other characters not controlled by the players (Non-Player Characters or NPCs). 

The adventures and missions that the PCs will find themselves in are varied in both type and danger, from investigations within a colony to exploring alien wrecks to fending off hostile natives. 

Although the basic game assumes that the PCs will be human colonists, I hope later on to add options for alien and native species, and perhaps cyborgs, robots and other sentient beings that can act as characters. 


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