Outpost Theta

Outpost Theta is a small underground settlement in Rogue Planet about 40km from the colony city Indinapolis, with a population of 240 humans. It is on one of the major tunnels leading away from Indinapolis, and is used as a base for expeditions into the underground and also as a defensive position guarding Indinapolis. There is a detachment of 50 soldiers plus two armoured vehicles stationed here, commanded by Captain Naxor. This outpost is also used by miners, adventurers and explorers. The main threats are bandits and mutants raiding the outpost or waylaying travellers approaching or leaving the outpost. 

In terms of architecture, Outpost Theta is set in a large cavern about 200m long, 30m high and 50m wide. Half of the buildings are metal sheds standing in the middle of the cavern and the rest are dug into the rocky cavern walls. One of these excavations holds the Thorium reactor that provides power to the buildings of the outpost. 

A summary of ability scores is found here, and a summary of skills is found here. Non player characters found in Outpost Theta include:

Anders Sakovski, Outpost Commander
Str 10, Coord 12, Agi 10, Sta13, Perc 14, Int 13, Will 9, Cha 10
Skills: Administration (2), Interpersonal (2), Leadership (1),  Driving (1), Shooting (1), Energy Pistol (1),  Energy Rifle (1), Science (1)
Equipment: Laser Carbine, Light body armour, Comm Unit
Anders Sakovski is ambitious to prove himself capable of running an outpost well, so that he gets noticed by the senior managment of Indinapolis. He can get quite uptight about making things run smoothly and according to the rules.  

Amelia Zenhurst, Outpost medic
Str 8, Coord 10, Agi 13, Sta 12, Perc 14, Int 12, Will 14, Cha 12 
Skills: Driving (1), Wheeled (1),  Medicine (2), First Aid (1), Pathology (1), Shooting (1), Science (1), Xenobiology (1), Computers (1)
Equipment: Laser Pistol, Light body armour, Comm unit, first aid pack
Amelia is generally calm, collected and more easy going than her boss, Sakovski, and as such is more popular within Outpost Theta. She feels a strong ethical responsibility to help people and will do so willingly. Amelia is also the best person to ask at the outpost about non-human species that may be encountered near the outpost as this is one of her hobbies. 

Remmenhald Smyth, Outpost Trader
Str 13, Coord 10, Agi 9, Sta 10, Perc 10, Int 14, Will 13, Cha 15
Skills: Administration (1), Interpersonal (2), Persuasion (1), Driving (1), Wheeled (1), Shooting (1)
Equipment: Laser Pistol, Comm Unit, 
Although based in Outpost Theta, Remmenhald travels up and down the tunnel between the outpost and Indinapolis in his six-wheeled truck that also acts as his home while away from the outpost.He will trade in all sorts of things, from daily provisions to mined minerals to alien artefacts to informal taxi service. If he can make a profit from it, he is interested. He can be very charming and witty, especially when trying to sell something. 

Captain Tyra Naxor, Military Commander
Str 14, Coord 15, Agi 12, Sta 13, Perc 10, Int 13, Will 10, Cha 13
Skills: Administration (1), Interpersonal (1), Leadership (1), Shooting (2), Energy Pistol (1), Energy Rifle (1), Melee (1), Athletics (1), Driving (1)
Equipment: Laser Carbine, heavy body armour, comm unit
Captain Naxor is the leader of the detachment of soldiers garrisoned in Outpost Theta by the Indinapolis government. Although she is nominally subordinate to Anders Sakovski, she has the authority to take charge in military emergencies. She enjoys reminding Sakovski of this, although she has only actually done this once. 

Bodgers Dumont, mining foreman
Str 13, Coord 10, Agi 10, Sta 16, Perc 13, Int 10, Will 13, Cha 13
Skills: Manual Labour (2), Mining & Drilling (1), Administration (1), Managment(1), Science (1), Geology (1), Mechanics (1), Driving (1), Tracked (1)
Equipment: Comm Unit, Laser Pistol
Bodgers is the foreman for a contingent of 20 miners of the Atlas Corporation that is based in Indinapolis. His main concern is the safety of his miners, followed by his bosses' orders, followed by the wellbeing of others in the outpost. He is gruff, tough and doesn't take kindly to backchat or smart asses. 


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