Rogue Planet and other Universes

Rogue Planet should stand on its own and is not actually set in any other fictional universe: however it can be placed in a wide variety of other settings. A bit like the D&D adventure modules of old could be placed in different fantasy campaign settings, so too Rogue Planet could fit in to an existing RPG campaign in a better-known universe. These possibilities include (but are certainly not limited to):

  • Star Trek
  • Star Wars
  • Doctor Who
  • Battlestar Galactica
  • Warhammer 40,000
  • Firefly
  • Traveller
  • Star Frontiers

If you make Rogue Planet part of a larger setting you could well either have characters, factions or alien races from the well-known franchise turning up on Rogue Planet. Wookies, Daleks, Romulans, Eldar or Xenomorphs could all find their way and cause their unique brands of trouble. Of course, for some of these some tweaking will be necessary. For example adapting this to Star Wars would mean colonists coming from another homeworld other than Earth (perhaps Corellia or Coruscant) and probably require renaming the colony ships and their new cities. In Warhammer 40,000 humanity is on the defensive with not much new colonisation being attempted, so a reason for the colony fleet might not be readily apparent. In Star Trek Star Fleet would almost certainly send out search and rescue missions when contact with the colony fleet was lost, unless they were seriously knocked off course (like Voyager?)

Having said that, I won't refer to these more established universes much in this blog - I feel that Rogue Planet should be able to stand on its own. After all, it is an entire planet, with more than enough people, creatures and locations to keep a campaign of its own going. And Rogue Planet is meant to be isolated, a planet out of contact with the rest of the universe. If the humans on Rogue Planet had re-established contact with interstellar-travelling humans previously then they would have organised a rescue mission and most of the inhabitants may well have evacuated Rogue Planet for a more hospitable new home, thus contact with a wider space civilization would have to either be very new or problematic enough that a rescue mission is not going to happen. 


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