Factions within the Human Colonies

Even in the interstellar future, humanity is still predictably human. There are squabbles, selfishness, ideologies and tribal loyalties. 

The Cities. There are 14 existing colonial cities. All of these require a certain level of unity and cooperation to function - failure could mean the end of the city through civil war or the malfunction of life-support systems. Between the cities cooperation and unity is considered a good thing but is not quite so fundamental. Some have had squabbles, even leading to skirmishes between the security forces of the two cities, but so far no outright wars. Many of the disagreements are about resources. 

Movers vs Stayers. Within any city most people are just focused on their regular lives. But there are some who think about the big picture and the future of humans on Rogue Planet. There are two broad schools of thought here. The Movers believe that Rogue Planet is not a very good place to settle and should be viewed as an interrim solution. They want to get the warp drive engines fixed, get the spaceship sections of the city up off the surface and into space, and then try to find a better planet to call home, preferably with a star to give warmth and light. The Stayers believe that humans are stuck on Rogue Planet for the foreseeable future and so they should try to make the best of it.  They will talk about long-term projects to make Rogue Planet safer and more hospitable for humans. A few of the more religious Stayers say that they were destined or guided to Rogue Planet, and that the universe, or maybe God, wants them to stay. The limited resources and man-hours means that it is not feasible to accomodate both of these views, particularly when it comes to the original colony craft that first came down to Rogue Planet. Should they be repaired and made spaceworthy at the expense of functionality of the city that has grown up around it?  

Conservatives vs Transhumanists: This debate was started long before the human colonists arrived on Rogue Planet, and it has continued. What counts as a human being? Who gets to decide? The emergence of AI, cyborgs, mutants and intelligent aliens have all blurred the lines between human and non-human and this makes some people very uncomfortable. Conservatives want humans to stay properly human and they distrust and fear anything that they believe threatens that boundary. Transhumanists like to think of themselves as open-minded but some of the more extreme believers want to give human rights to AI-controlled machines as well as replica human consciences uploaded into computer systems.They also acknowledge aliens as humanity's peers and mutants as humans with biological variations. 


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