Armour in Rogue Planet

Armour in Rogue Planet has one primary purpose - to reduce the damage done to the wearer when they are hit by weapons. 

All types of wearable armour have Weak Spot chance, Ballistic damage reduction, Energy damage reduction and Close Combat damage reduction. 

Weak Spot Chance is the likelihood that an attack will avoid the strong point of the armour and hit an unprotected part of the wearer. This is generally determined using a d20 for each hit, with low rolls more likely to hit a weak spot.  Armour that only covers part of the wearer (such as a helmet and armoured waistcoat that leaves the arms and legs exposed) will have a higher weak spot chance than armour that tries to encase as much of the wearer as possible. When an enemy hits the wearer, roll for each hit to see if it hits a weak spot. If it does hit a weak spot, then the armour does not reduce any damage received.  

Light Body Armour
Art by John Blanche

  • Weak Spot Chance: 1-8 on d20
  • Ballistic Reduction: 2 per hit
  • Energy Reduction: 2 per hit
  • Close Combat Reduction: 2 per hit
  • Weight: 10kg
  • Cost: 50 creds
This is cheap and easy to produce, and usually issued to those who are either not likely to be in frequent combat or else those who are quite expendable. Light Body armour, also known by some as flak armour, consists of a kevlar-like sleeveless jacket and an open-faced helmet. Although not very good armour, it is still considered better than nothing. 

Carapace Armour 


  • Weak Spot Chance: 1-5 on d20
  • Ballistic Reduction: 3 per hit
  • Energy Reduction: 3 per hit
  • Close Combat Reduction: 2 per hit
  • Weight: 20kg
  • Cost: 100 creds

This armour is heavier and more expensive than Security Guard armour and is typically made of numerous plates of hardened plasteel sewn onto a kevlar overall, with a matching helmet. Sometimes known as heavy body armour, it is often issued to front line troops and those who are expecting serious trouble. 

Full Battle Armour

  • Weak Spot Chance: 1-2 on d20
  • Ballistic Reduction: 4 per hit
  • Energy Reduction: 4 per hit
  • Close Combat Reduction: 4 per hit
  • Weight: 40kg
  • Cost: 250 creds
This is the most advanced armour that is commercially available on Rogue Planet, and is issued to the most elite operatives. Full Battle Armour is reminiscent of the armour worn by knights of old, with its interlocking, articulated sections of plasteel. It is made more maneovrable by bundles of sensors that detect the wearer's muscle movements and pressure within the armour and servo-motors that help move the armour appropriately so the wearer's own muscles do minimal work. This means for encumbrance purposes this Full Battle Armour only counts as 10kg, Furthermore this  will often have communicators and infrared goggles incorporated into the helmet. 


  • Weak Spot Chance: 1-2 on d20
  • Ballistic Reduction: 3 per hit
  • Energy Reduction: 5 per hit
  • Close Combat Reduction: 3 per hit
  • Weight: 90kg
  • Cost: 650 creds
The Exo-Suit looks similar to full battle armour but with an important additonal function, namely that it can protect its wearer from all sorts of hostile environments. With an enclosed respirator system and thermostatic layers, it is capable of keeping its wearer alive in extreme heat, cold, toxic atmospheres and hard vacuum. This means that it is the preferred method for walking about on the surface of Rogue Planet, and it is quite easy to fit spotlights or night-vision lenses to enable the wearer to see on the surface. Its thermostatic layers can also mitigate extreme heat, up to 900C before the armour (and possibly the wearer) starts taking damage. This means the exo-suit is also excellent gear for exploring volcanic and magmatic areas below the life-bearing levels of Rogue Planet. 


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