The City of Indinapolis
Physical Structure
Indinapolis is centred around its original colony ship which landed fortunately intact on the planet surface. Once the inhabitants realised they were going to be here for a long time, they started to expand it in two ways. Firstly they have constructed a dome of thermoglass (glass specially layered as to keep the city warmth in and the intense cold of the planet surface out). This in turn is protected by the shield generator from the old colony ship which protects against both radiation and micrometeorites, thus keeping the dome intact. Within this dome one can see the stars far away and wander safely on the enclosed surface of the planet. Only the richest folk have built homes here under the dome, the penthouses of Indinapolis.
Secondly the colonists have dug down under the surface beneath the ship and discovered the tunnel network that sprawls through the rocks of Rogue Planet. Many colonists have settled down here and made progress in both fortifying the underground levels of the city and also converting it into an industrial, skyless cityscape, with hydroponic farms, factories, residences, life support machinery and waste processing all in these urbanised tunnels
Indinapolis landed on Rogue Planet with a registered population of 5000 humans plus various animals of terrestrial origin (dogs, cattle, sheep, chickens and some stow-away rats and insects). Since then the population has grown to around 7,500 humans.
Indinapolis is ruled by the Governing Council of 12 board members and chairman of the board who effectively acts as president. The chairman is elected by eligible voters every 20 rotations of the planet (each rotation is 66 Earth days, so it is about 3 and a half Earth years between chairman elections). The elected chairman can appoint or sack council members as long as each of the 12 board member seats are occupied. Each board member has an area of responsibility, which are:
- Diplomacy with other cities,
- Food production,
- Science and technology,
- Border Security
- Internal Law and Order
- Taxation, Spending and Currency
- Energy and Life Support Systems
- Health and Hygiene
- Manufacturing & Industry
- Information and Propaganda
Armed Forces
100 members of the border security force + 120 internal police. The border security forces tend to focus on aliens, hostile wildlife and bandits, while the internal police are responsible for law and order within the city, investigating crimes and dealing with the civilian population. In the case of serious riots and disorder, the internal police have jurisdiction but may call on the border security for additional manpower.
The border security force is split into 4 platoons of 20 troopers each, and a headquarters with another 20 troopers and officers.
There are also the reserve forces, nicknamed the Minutemen (on the basis that if they are needed to defend the city, they should be ready in a minute). These are part-time reservists with basic military training who can be called up in serious emergencies. They will be assigned to one of the border security platoons. The government is careful not to divulge the reserve forces strengths but it is suspected to be double that of the regular border security force.
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