Campaign Ideas for Rogue Planet
A role-playing game campaign is a series of connected adventures with the same characters controlled by the players. So what sort of campaigns do the GM and players want to have? In some RPGs there are assumptions about what role the characters have in society and what sort of adventures they are expected to go on. In Rogue Planet RPG this is less defined by the rules, more by the group that plays the game.
Military missions: The PCs are mercenaries, hired by various employers for specific missions, usually dangerous ones involving a high risk of combat.
Investigative: The PCs are private investigators. They may be hired for relatively straightforward jobs or may find themselves getting entangled in complicated conspiracies or trying to solve cunning crimes.
Entrepreneurial: The PCs are traders and business folk, trying to make a bit of money. This usually involves trading and moving valuable goods and materials around.
Exploratory: The PCs are tasked with finding out about Rogue Planet beyond the boundaries of the colonial cities. New species, new mineral deposits, new dangers and new opportunities are all sought after.
Survival: Something has gone horribly wrong. The PCs were minding their own business and now they are in great danger. This could be a natural disaster like a cave-in that blocks them off from civilization, or being hunted by a dangerous predator (Sigourney Weaver style). In the worst case scenario an entire city might be threatened and if the PCs cannot deal with the threat, everyone (including the PCs ) will perish.
Criminal: This could be seen as being entrepreneurial but with less concern about what is lawful. The PCs are making money but in ways the government and law enforcers do not approve of. Theft, gun-running, moonshine distilleries and black market cybernetics are all profitable if you don't get caught.
Political: The PCs find themselves on one side or another of intense (and potentially violent) societal struggles. This could be a city populace against an unpopular government, or one city against another. The PCs may well have a personal stake in the outcome though they could simply be hired (which would overlap with the military, investigative or criminal campaigns).
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